Saturday night was the girls Christmas Dance Recital. They look so forward to all of their performances, and I do too! I don't know if it's because I spent so many years dancing {and coaching and teaching}, or if it's just because I'm a mama, but I get teary at all of their performances.
This year was a little difficult because most of us weren't feeling all that great, and Kam was feeling downright awful. But she insisted on going to watch her sissies. Thank goodness for my mother-in-law. She offered to take the older two so they could be there early, and so that I could stay at home with Kam {and Taylor} as long as possible.
Luckily they got right down to business, and I think the entire show was only about an hour long.
And the girls . . . .
they looked AWESOME! I knew they would.

Way to go girls!!! They look beautiful and I think it's so sweet Kam wanted to support them despite feeling yucky :)
They look beautiful in their costumes!
They looked absolutely gorgeous!
I love the new header too! It may not be new but I just noticed it. =)
They look fantastic!! What a fun night. Hope your littles are feeling better now.
I loved it when my girls danced. Yours are just beautiful. Love their costumes. Do you have a studio in your house BTW?
They look so pretty in their costumes! So when are you going to start taking over the dance class and teaching? :)
They look so pretty!
I hope Kam feels better soon. That is so sweet that she didn't want to miss the show.
Liz your girls are so adorable! Their dance costumes are really cute too! I hope everyone is feeling better now!
Wow. Proud Mommy moments here. THEY are gorgeous AND talented...wonder where they got that from? I hope all the bellies are better today...Santa is coming soon!! Did ya know?
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