Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Best Ab Workout EVER!

We've been much too busy for blogging these days.

My SISTER is here for a visit!!!
There's been bubble blowin'

And pool loungin'

And snuggles galore!

But the best part?
The ab workout.

Do you know what I'm talking about?
I never laugh as hard as I do when my sister is here.
I swear we giggle like we're little girls.
And that turns into full on laughing, which leads to snorting and then comes the silent laugh . . . because we're completely out of oxygen and doubled over from laughing so hard.

The best ab workout ever.

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Anonymous said...

This is exactly what it's like when my sister is in town, too!!! Snorts that turn into silent laughter...giggling at things that no one else thinks is funny. :o) I love that about sisters!

Is that your sister in the picture with Sierra? She's beautiful!!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Now girl I was really looking forward to something to get rid of the mommy tummy. lol. Super cute photos, love the pool lounge photo. Hope you have a great weekend.

Jessica said...

How fun!!! Your sister is gorgeous! You all are! : )

Colleen said...

Supermodel sisters!!

Kelli said...

Good for the body and the soul. Love it!! So excited for you to have your sister there.

Jenny said...

I know exactly what you mean! Sisters are the best. I'm so glad your sister is in town and you all are having a great time!

Jenn & Kristyn said...

Ah! I get it!! Only sisters are capable of providing those special good hard ab workouts!

Connie said...

I know that AB workout well!

Macey said...

I love those kinds of ab workouts! Your sister is beautiful, like you!

Kelli W said...

I bet all you girls have such a fun time!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Laughing is good for our abs and our soul!
Your sister is just as beautiful as you. Enjoy.


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