Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ We All Scream

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Macey said...

I eat ice cream without my shirt on too...I don't look as cute though.

Foursons said...

This is the BABY?! Um...wait a minute. How is this possible?

jennohara said...

So cute!!

Miller Racing Family said...

How cute. We scream as well in this house but it is for popsicles. Hope you have a fabulous day!

Jenny said...

She is so adorable! I could use some ice cream right now.

Oh and I'm so proud of you for not freaking out that she is dirty. I was/am the kind that would start cleaning up pretty quickly. I'm no fun at all!

Colleen said...

She is a mini cam!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh....that is called an ice cream bath! So cute.

Emmy said...

Now that was an increase cone truly enjoyed!


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