A new start!
I can't recall a time I've been more relieved and excited to exit one year, and start another.
I kept thinking that we'd have a breather after Christmas, but no. We've been going full speed ahead, trying to fit in all sorts of fun before we're back to school.
It's been chilly!
But dry.
So we've tried to get out and get some fresh air.
We've had several wonderful visits with dear friends.
We've been in the kitchen a LOT. Making all sorts of treats.
That's right.
White Chocolate covered donut holes.
You're welcome.
We partied it up Bingo-style on New Year's Eve ;)
Mostly we've just been enjoying each day that God has blessed us with
What wonderful things have you been doing in 2013?

That's what we need, those blow pop thingies! My Mom had horns and I nearly lost my marbles with 3 kids blowing horns all night. I don't know why she gave them to the kids so early! LOL!
I'm glad you had a great New Year's Eve. We played Scrabble and a new game called Logo. My sister is so good at that trivia stuff, she's hard to beat!
Our new year has been lazy! Keith has worked one day in the last three weeks and his parents visited for a few days.
Looking forward to kids going back to school and getting back to a routine.
Man, our 2013 has been crazy so far! Slow down slow down!
I love this...so glad you are all doing well.
We've been hitting it hard at home; cleaning, organizing, purging and gardening. THIS makes me very happy!
Look at those beautiful Barred Rocks! Funny how the Barred Rocks and the Red Stars aren't mingling amongst each other! Birds of a feather flock together, I guess. :o)
Well, we've mostly been taking it easy and trying to get everyone healthy before baby gets here!
We are both going to have an awesome 2013 - I can just feel it!
Goodbye 2012!!! I do hope this year is a breath of fresh air. Glad you all are out there getting some fresh air and having fun along the way :)
Your attitude is so wonderful, you always brighten my day. So far a little organizing and a lot of cleaning, the usual.
2013 has been a busy one for us so far, too! Having a birthday boy right at the beginning of the year makes for a crazy, busy start! I'm so glad I found you on Facebook. I really enjoyed looking through your gorgeous pictures the other day! Hope you are having a great week!
Those donuts look yummy! Are those your chickens?!? We spend the week after Christmas building a chicken coop so we can get some baby chicks in the spring:)
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