We've been cooped up waaaaay too long.
We've had frost, freezing rain, freezing fog, and just general . . . freezing.
Add to that the ear infections and the sniffles . . .
We were so ready to get out of the house.
We've had frost, freezing rain, freezing fog, and just general . . . freezing.
Add to that the ear infections and the sniffles . . .
We were so ready to get out of the house.
Generally I'm a warm-weather girl.
I don't like to be cold, I don't like the rain.
I get sad when I go days on end without seeing the sun.
But I have to say, as much as I miss the warm temps, I'm definitely finding beauty in my least favorite season, Winter.
We even found this little guy, nestled underneath the Maple Tree.
I'm definitely ready for Spring. But I have a new-found appreciation for Winter, as well.

Your new found appreciation has to be because you do NOT live in Minnesota!!! We are in a week looooong cold hovering around zero with big wind chills way below zero temps!!
I love your photos though!!
Your photography is amazing!! I understand about it being difficult to appreciate winter but I think you did an amazing job.
Gorgeous photos. I too am not a big fan of the cold. That's why I love living in Southern CA. Cold enough to qualify as a season change, but not cold enough to hinder our lifestyle :)
We live in the wrong place since it's always wet and gray! :(
Wow - what a cool snail (I think that's what it is)! I love looking at photos of nature as long as I don't have to be in nature!!
gorgeous captures!
that first shot is awesome elisabeth!
So pretty!! I love the look of ice on trees.
Gorgeous pictures! Winter is beautiful, but it's hard to enjoy it when you are freezing your butt off. LOL!
Oh my gosh your pictures are absolutely breathtaking! I love all the details, it almost makes me like Winter. But right now my toes are frozen so I'm gonna have to say I like Winter the most in beautiful photos like yours!
Those pictures are beautiful! Makes me wish we actually got to experience winter down here! We are in the 70's this week and I'm not happy about it! I want snow:)
Well, you certainly have captured the beauty of winter.
I DO hope everyone is on the mend.
What lens were you using for all these closeups?? Yeah, I'm nosy and jealous. :)
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