I cannot believe Christmas is just a few days away!
This last week has been a little boring around our house :( With so much sickness, we haven't been feeling up to being all that festive. But the other night as I was getting ready to go to bed {and Taylor was just waking up} I was sitting in the living room, rocking her, and looking at our brightly lit tree, and I started thinking. Do I have it all wrong? Here I've been running around like crazy. Shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Decorating. I've scheduled an activity or craft for my girls every day in December. We've baked cookies more times than I can count. And just how much time have I devoted to reading the Bible, or quiet time with God? Hmmmm, let's see. Probably less time this month than any other month this year :( It hurts to admit that, but it's the truth. I'm not saying that traditions and activities aren't fun and an important part of the season. I just think I've lost a bit of the true meaning somewhere in all of the hustle and bustle and planning and stress. And I find that totally ironic. And sad.
Anyway. On to the recap.
Last Thursday {Day 15} we went to the Portland International Raceway to look at lights. Other than a little car sickness, we had a great time :)
Friday {Day 16} was Beauty Day. It had been awhile since our toes had gotten special treatment.
And just in time too! Because the girls' dance recital was our big outing for Saturday {Day 17}.
On Sunday {Day 18} we had planned to go to the Church Christmas Program. But Kam wasn't the only sicky anymore, so we had to miss it :( Instead, we got in our jammies and watched Christmas specials.
Taylor had her Six Month check up on Monday {Day 19}, and all we were really up for afterward was a quick stop at Starbucks for a Vanilla Bean and Cake Pops.
I was supposed to attend a Cookie Exchange on Tuesday {Day 20}, but with the number of sickies multiplying, I had to miss it. We stayed in jammies ALL DAY and Nana and Grandpa cooked us dinner that evening. But I was soooooo sad to miss the cookie party :(
By Wednesday {Day 21} we were all feeling a little discouraged that our plans weren't really turning out the way we'd imagined. I had picked up a Gingerbread House Kit, and it was screaming the girls' names. So we invited Grandma over {despite the fevers and coughs}, and put it together {after a certain 2 year old went to bed . . . at 6pm, ahem}. I have a few photos of the masterpiece, but they're not all that great, and I'm tired, and can't bring myself to upload them right now. Envision a lot of frosting and candy.
And here we are. I'm not sure what our plan is for today. The coughing turned to vomitting last night {sorry TMI!}, so I'm guessing that we'll have another low-key day. And that's okay. I just want the girls to feel better in time for Christmas.
So . . . what about y'all?? What have you been up to? Please do let me know!
And also? I'm finally {FINALLY!} linking up {kinda late, but oh well} with Beth @ I Should Be Folding Laundry. Because I've been meaning to for about 300 years now.

I just stumbled acorss your blog and spent the past hour reading posts and I must say I LOVE it. You have the most beautiful little girls and i wish i was half as crafty as you are! I am now your newest Follower! I would love for you to drop by at www.twotinytyrants.blogspot.com and follow back!!
I'm with you on the Bible reading. I would like to prepare something for next year where we read a verse about Jesus daily. Looks like you guys have been having a festive time despite the sickness...hope you all feel better soon. Those Santa toes are just too cute!!!
That is so sad that you are all so sick!
Love those toes!
Aw, hope your household feels better soon! Beautiful pics, as always.
Jeez, Liz. I am so sorry ya'll have all been so sick and had to miss out on things. That really stinks. Hopefully it'll all pass over in the next couple of days and you can still enjoy Christmas sickness-free.
As far as your thoughts in your first paragraph, I think you are spot on. I don't know a single person who doesn't overschedule themselves this time of year and end up stressed at least once or twice. We could all use a little downtime spent reading our Bibles.
I love your cake pops with the bokeh behind it! so cute! love the little red santa toes too! :)
Sickies around the holidays are no fun! I hope everyone starts getting better soon! We have been busy, busy, busy lately too. We haven't gone to see Christmas lights this year, and I'm wondering if we are even going to be able to squeeze it in! I love the cute toes, and I bet your gingerbread house is adorable!
A friend of mine gave me a great idea for the advent calendar next year. She said to put a verse in each day and have the girls read them and talk about what "attribute" God has that we can be thankful for at Christmas. I love it and I hope to remember it for next year. Praying you all feel better faster than fast!
Oh man, I'm sorry the kids are still sick! I really hope they feel better by Christmas. I'm thinking they will, since you still have a few days!
The nails are so cute. Dave works at church tomorrow night, so I think I'll surprise Abby with a foot soak and doing our nails together! She'll love that.
I agree about getting into the Christmas rush and missing out on what really is going on.
I hope you all get better soon. I do love the Christmas lights and those toe nails are so cute. I hope your family has a fabulous Christmas.
I hope you all get to feeling better!
Beautiful photos!
Merry Christmas!
I just LOOOOOVE the pictures!!! :)
Boo to being sick though. :(
love the toes!!
Ah, that's what I get at Starbucks, too! Cake pops and vanilla bean. :)
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