Words cannot describe how HAPPY I am
that we have finally gotten ahold of some gorgeous weather!
This time, right now . . . this exact "moment" of the year, is my absolute favorite.
We've gotten past the drizzly June days, and are moving right into a whole lotta Summer fun.
I cannot begin to tell you the happiness that is opening our windows wide at night to let in the cool Summer breeze. Seeing the daisies in bloom everywhere. Fresh berries.
Oh, I just love it!
We have camp-outs, and barbecues, and birthdays, and day trips, and playdates to look forward to.
And pool time.
that we have finally gotten ahold of some gorgeous weather!
This time, right now . . . this exact "moment" of the year, is my absolute favorite.
We've gotten past the drizzly June days, and are moving right into a whole lotta Summer fun.
I cannot begin to tell you the happiness that is opening our windows wide at night to let in the cool Summer breeze. Seeing the daisies in bloom everywhere. Fresh berries.
Oh, I just love it!
We have camp-outs, and barbecues, and birthdays, and day trips, and playdates to look forward to.
And pool time.
Ahhhh, I love Summertime!