{Originally submitted October 22, 2008}
Week 20 ~ Pumpkins, Pumpkins, and more Pumpkins!
We made another trip to the pumpkin patch this week. This time we visited a new one, and went with different friends. Three mamas and eight kiddos . . . It was a long day, but so much fun! We started with a hay maze, played in corn kernels, enjoyed a picnic lunch, took a hay ride ~ complete with fun facts on pumpkins and farming, and finished off the day by choosing the perfect pumpkins. Of course, by the time we actually got to the pumpkin picking Makenna had had a very long day, and we were in meltdown mode. I’m including a picture, but you’ll have to excuse the pouty face.
We found out, this week, that our dance instructors will be taking a break from the middle of December through the end of March, which is actually a bit of a relief. Though I love that the girls are involved in dance, I think it will be nice to have a break right after the holidays. I tend to be a little bit of a worry wart about bringing newborns around people during cold and flu season. It’s not that I’m a freak about germs, but little ones are so fragile. It’s amazing to me how many strangers will come right up to a new baby and touch or kiss their face (ugh!). Or stand there hacking and coughing and then ask to hold your precious little bundle. It’s enough to drive me crazy, I tell you. I don’t know if it’s lingering memories of 4 days in NICU with Sierra during her staph infection when she was only 3 days old, or if I’m just naturally prone to worry. Either way, I'm thankful that we'll have a few weeks after the baby is born to settle in and have time to ourselves.
This week has brought about even more kicks and “somersaults” from our little sugarplum. Last week I had made a comment to my mother-in-law about how “laid back” this little one is. It seemed as though when I was pregnant with Sierra and Makenna they were both in constant motion, kicking and prodding night and day. But this pregnancy seemed different. Boy, did I speak too soon! Baby Girl (sorry, but we have yet to settle on a name) has gotten to be quite the little wiggle worm. I have to say, I love all the movement. It’s a constant reminder that there is a little pumpkin in there just waiting to join our family.
I cannot believe how time has flown; it is already the end of October. Soon we will be eating turkey, then celebrating the holidays, a few birthdays in January and February, and then we’ll be welcoming our new little one! I want to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy, but it’s hard not to be anxious to hold a new little princess in my arms.
Hope you all have had a fabulous week full of memories and blessings,

I know when they start all that moving it is hard to not be anxious to hold them and see them. Cute pumpkin pouty picture. I have plenty of those:) Memories for sure.
Love this time of year
Wow, that pumpkin patch trip sounds exhausting! I don't know how you managed it while pregnant.
And I loved feeling my babies move when I was pregnant. So much fun! Except of course when I wanted to sleep which is when they moved the most.
How fitting is it that you posted a pic of Kam at the pumpkin patch too!!!
Oh and I'm dying to know what names were in the running since we seem to have very similar taste in names lol.
I sure hope the rain stops so we can go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow! How exciting! I loved when my boys were so active inside of me! So sweet...I bet you were worn out after that day and being pregnant! Hope you all are well!
I don't blame you about the germs this time of the year! YUCK!
Thanks, very NICE post.
My comments might be out of context. But i feel that there are lots of women who think about reversing the process of birth control at some or the other stage of life. I would like to share my views about tubal reversal:
Tubal reversal or tubal sterilization reversal or tubal ligation reversal is a surgical procedure in which fertility is restored to women after a tubal ligation. In this procedure separated segments of fallopian tube are rejoined, in simple words tubal reversal gives women the chance to become pregnant again naturally. This delicate surgery is best performed by a reproductive surgeon with specialized training and experience in the techniques of tubal ligation reversal.
Dr. Morice is one of the world's best tubal reversal experts. At ATCHAFALAYA(Dr. Morice’s Tubal Reversal center), Advanced tubal reversal surgery is performed with Microsurgical Tubal Reanastomosis (MTR).
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