It's Friend Makin' Monday again!
I LOVE Mondays!
There's just something I love about a fresh start to the week.
I guess it doesn't hurt that I get to be at home.
If I had to work outside the house, perhaps I'd reconsider my love for Mondays ;)
So, this week Amber wants us to focus on the little things that bring happiness to our lives.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
All the adorable little holiday dresses from Hanna Andersson

Call me lazy, but I love these cute little cookies!

From the moment I saw these luminaries, I knew I wanted one. They're pretty, and they smell great! Plus, no worries about candles getting knocked over. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE candles, but most of them are in the form of sconces in my home these days with the little ones roamin' around. And I'm runnin' out of room on my walls! :)

Yesterday was my nephew's birthday, so we drove into Portland to celebrate with family. After all the cake and ice cream, we were craving some FOOD! I remembered that we had a gift card to Claim Jumper. Score! I love going out to dinner. The girls were perfect, AND they even brought Kameryn a complimentary "baby plate", full of turkey, cheeses, applesauce, crackers, and fruit! I highly recommend this restaurant!

This Bible Study by Beth Moore makes me so happy. I love spending more time in His word. I love getting together with other ladies once a week to fellowship and become closer to God. And let's face it, I don't get out much, so everything about Bible Study makes me one happy gal!

These are no "small things", but my family brings me the most joy!

Try to tell me you wouldn't rejoice daily when surrounded by girls as sweet as these!

Happy Monday!

Happy FMM!!! Great List:)
I LOVE going out to eat too, especially when the kiddos are well-behaved!
You and your hubby are so good looking - no wonder your girls are gorgeous!
your girls are soooo cute!
Your girls look so sweet!!
Mmmm I like Claim Jumper too!
Your girls are so cute!
I don't burn candles in my house very often either...I'm always afraid one of the boys will knock them over! We have been to a place that brought out the "baby plate" before too, but I can't remember where it was! Your little girlies are just too cute!
I love going out to eat too!!! I just got a $25.00 gift card from Happy FMM
I love burning candles, I'm sure that will change when I have kids but for now I love them... Great list!!!
i love candles too. you have beautiful girls
I love Hannah Andersson clothes too. So cute. Your family is just beautiful.
Claim Jumper is the best...LOVE the baby plate:)
Those cookies are SO cute and just as yummy as they look! Not lazy at all!
Happy FMM!
What a cute pic of the girls! ADORABLE! Love my Canon!
Nothing lazy about those cookies in my book! YUMMY!
Those luminaries are a great idea! The would be awesome with all my cats around too! Happy FMM!
I too love a new start. The pic of the kids is just beautiful~
Great list! I also love Hanna Andersson dresses. The playdress/daydresses are my favorite!
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