It's Friday {again!}
I tell you, I do not know where the time goes. Wasn't it just Friday, like, yesterday? So, around here, Friday means Pregnancy Journals! If you're new, this is a journal I kept for Storknet a year ago, during my pregnancy with Kam. Go catch up whydon'tcha?
And can I just veer off topic for a second? {Actually, I can, because it's my blog}.
You guys seriously are cracking me up with the hair comments from my last post. I will have to consider doing a hair post in the near future. But I'm telling you, you will LAUGH when you hear my "hair beauty secrets".
On with the journal!
{Originally submitted October 28, 2008}
Week 21 ~ Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough
It has been a week filled with sneezes, sniffles, and coughs around our house, and after being cooped up for the last several days we are so ready to get out! We chose to stay home from Sunday School and Dance classes this week due to the sniffles, so it seems as though it has been ages since we’ve left the house. In reality we did manage to escape Sunday afternoon. A trip to my sister’s house in Portland to celebrate my nephew’s 15th birthday was the occasion. As our families continue to grow it seems harder and harder to gather everyone together. And though it wasn’t complete (my younger sister lives 300 miles away and often misses out on family gatherings), it was nice to get most of the family together. We were able to plan for upcoming holiday events, and just visit and catch up.
It’s looking as though we are going to have a fairly quiet Halloween this year. With the girls not feeling their best, and rain in the forecast (not to mention Jeremy having to work), I’m thinking we’ll hit a few houses ~ family mostly ~ and come home to snuggle up and watch Halloween specials. This sounds just fine to me; I can only hope that Sierra and Makenna see it the same way. Goodness knows we don’t need buckets full of candy anyway!
I have a doctor appointment at the end of the week. I am really looking forward to it, as I have quite a few questions. Have I mentioned that I am having the worst time ever with my skin? I do not have beautifully flawless skin to begin with, but this is just ridiculous. I never had such problems when I was pregnant with the girls. I suppose it could be worse, but now that I’m halfway through this pregnancy, I just figured it would have subsided. And in the tradition of skin issues, I also seem to be battling some eczema. Bring on the Eucerin! I also want to find out if I need to get a flu shot, and if so, when the best time would be to get one. And lastly, it seems I have been exposed to Fifths Disease. I think I have mentioned that I teach the Toddler Sunday School Class at our church, and this time of year at least one child has the sniffles at all times. This little sweetheart in our class hasn’t been feeling her best for the last couple of weeks and her parents are pretty sure she has Fifths Disease. Unfortunately, by the time you realize you have it, you’ve already been contagious. Apparently exposure can be very harmful to a fetus if the mama isn’t immune (though in most cases even if the mom was to contract it, it‘s nothing to worry about). Now, I’m a worrier by nature, but I’m not going to get too stressed out about it. First of all, I’m almost positive that I’m immune. I used to work in daycare, AND I’m almost positive that Makenna had it a couple of years ago (not sure if Sierra ever did?) I do want to mention the exposure to my doctor, and hopefully I will be tested to check if I truly am immune, and then we can go from there.
Well, that’s it for this week. Hopefully once we’re all feeling better there will be some interesting stories to share.
Hope you all have a wonderfully Happy Halloween!
********* Like the Fifths Disease foreshadowing, do ya? **********

I was exposed to fifths disease while I was pregnant too. I am a worrier by nature, but everything was fine. I know what you mean to about it getting harder and harder to get the whole family together...ours keeps growing and to have everyone in one place is so difficult and rare.
Wow- you had a busy, stressful week. I am loving all the pictures on your sidebar. Now I need to go back and look at your hair and see what I missed this week!
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