It is so past my bedtime right now. I haven't been getting the best sleep lately, and often I feel like a zombie, but I just need a little peace and quiet, ya know?
I mentioned that Jeremy, his dad, my dad, and a family friend all left for Wyoming on Sunday. The girls and I were a little sad to see Jeremy go. Happy for him, but we knew we'd miss him. In an effort to keep the girls' minds off of missing their dad this week, we have been keeping pretty busy enjoying our girl-time. Yesterday was spent at Target and Michael's. I ask you, does it get any better than that? Because of our big homeschool skip day, we got down to business with our studies today, but managed a quick trip to the library and swim lessons this evening. Tomorrow . . .
Drum roll, please.
{Okay, okay, it's not that exciting.}
I've booked appointments for the girls to have pedicures!
I was going to keep it a surprise until tomorrow, but sometimes it's more fun when they get to look forward to it for a bit.
I cannot wait to see their little toes gettin' all pampered. What's that? You can't wait to see it either? Well good, because you can be sure that I will post pics.
Alright, off to bed. Hope y'all are enjoying your week as much as we're enjoying ours!

That will be so fun! You'll have to get a picture of their little painted toes!
Oh my girls love pedi's. Have a great time and yes, share pics!
I don't get girl time like that! Waaaaaa!
No fair...*I've* never even had a pedi lol. j/k I bet it was a ton of fun and I'm gonna go check out your super cute pics now.
Oh and btw, I meant to mention that I think it's so cool that your parents get along so well with Jeremy's parents.
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