Another week, another pregnancy journal from the past :)
{Originally submitted October 15, 2008}
Week 19 ~ Apple Cider and Pumpkins
We are gearing up for Halloween around here! Our shopping trip last week was a success as both of the girls found costumes (or rather, they found the “makings” for costumes). They are both going to be little black kitties. We picked up some black tulle and I made their tutus, and we bought black leggings and long sleeve tees. Now I need to make their kitty tails and ears, and they’ll be set. All in all it was a great shopping trip; we got a lot accomplished. I didn’t end up with new bedding, but I did find a gorgeous set that is now on my wish list.
Jeremy and I took the girls to the pumpkin patch yesterday. We met a friend and his two children and had such a fun time. I think we wore them out - there were corn and hay mazes, giant tube slides, obstacle courses, giant sand boxes filled with grain to play in, and the best apple cider ever! We sampled some while we were there, and wound up buying a gallon to take home. The weather, though a little cool, was sunny and gorgeous. This is our second year going to this particular pumpkin patch. We will definitely need to make it a yearly tradition.
At my last appointment, after my ultrasound, my midwife had said that my ultrasound information would be sent out to another physician and the results would be back at the office in about a week. She told me she wouldn’t call unless there was something out of the ordinary to report. So, imagine my surprise and immediate fear when I received a phone call this week from my midwife. Luckily she got right to the point, because in the 10.2 seconds that I was left wondering, everything that could possibly be wrong with the baby was flashing through my mind. I’m not typically a hypochondriac, but after the complications during my pregnancy with Makenna, I tend to worry a bit. Anyway, it is truly nothing to worry about, but apparently my placenta looks a little low which means I will need to have another ultrasound sometime in the third trimester to make sure that it has moved up to where it should be. My midwife assured me that I don’t need to change anything that I’m doing, and that most likely it will cooperate and move into its correct position. If, for some reason it doesn’t, and is still low enough to be covering my cervix then I guess it might mean a C-section. But I’m not even going to think about that. I’m only thinking positive thoughts! Honestly, the phone call turned out to be a blessing because the ultrasound had been on my mind for over a week, and now I can rest assured that everything looks completely beautiful with our little sugarplum. That’s the best news I could ask for!
Oh, I almost forgot! Sierra and Makenna got to feel the baby kick for the first time. While I have felt her movements for weeks now, they’re just beginning to be strong enough and regular enough that I thought the girls would be able to feel them on the outside. A couple of days ago I was sitting at the computer, and she was just kicking away so I called Sierra into the room. Both she and Makenna thought it was so neat. They’ve been waiting for this for a long time!
I hope this week finds all of you doing well. Until next week . . .

Oh my gosh. I think my heart would have stopped if the OBGYN called me. You're right- thank goodness for nurses who know that patients are on the verge of panic when they call and don't waste any time getting to the point!
I'll bet those costumes were so cute, and how fun for the sisters to feel the baby move. My girls loved feeling their baby brother move around.
This is the perfect reason why they should call no matter what the news is, so that you're not left worrying. Glad everything turned out well :)
Thanks for the comment on the 5 Moms blog today. It was nice to see you over there. I know...I should just stay away from Ironing...but I challenged myself & I have to see it through. Why did I do that? The burn almost made me turn away and run...but I will try again.
Oh I totally remember getting those kinds of phone calls too. My heart would always skip a beat and then start pounding in my chest. My experience has always been when a doctor calls you personally, it can't be good. But obviously that wasn't the case in your situation and I'm happy to know that.
Cole and Bella loved being able to feel Garrett and Landon kick when I was pregnant. They said it felt like I had an octopus in my belly!!
Are there pictures of the fabulous costumes your girls wore last year? If so, I'd love to see.
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