Just some thoughts bouncing around in my head . . .
♥ We're thinking about going to the zoo tomorrow. It's looking like it very well may be our last day of decent weather until . . . oh probably next June or July. So we're going to take advantage.
♥ Miss Taylor is {finally} sporting cloth diapers. I cloth diapered Sierra. Didn't with Kenners {not sure why?} and started over again cloth diapering Kam at around 4 months old. I thought I'd use disposables through the summer, but it's taken me awhile to get the cloth ones out. They're finally out, we're using them, and all is going well :)
♥ Speaking of Taylor, she is a DROOL MACHINE. I seriously do not remember my other girls having quite so much saliva. She can drool through a bib, denim jumper and onesie in no time flat. Poor little darlin'.
♥ I've been thinking of doing a weekly "photo tip" installment here on the ol' blog. Not sure if there's any interest, but it might be fun to share ideas.
♥ And speaking of photos . . . does anyone else have a hard time keeping up with them? I would LOVE some tips on photo management, because I'm not doing a great job managing! Don't laugh, but my method right now is pretty much uploading all of them to another site {usually Shutterfly}so that I at least have them backed up to another location. Also it makes it easy later on to make photo books and have CDs made. Occasionally I'll have some printed. That's it. That's all I've got. I typically take around 1,000 photos a month, sometimes more, and I feel like I'm drowning in digital files!
♥ And speaking of photos . . . does anyone else have a hard time keeping up with them? I would LOVE some tips on photo management, because I'm not doing a great job managing! Don't laugh, but my method right now is pretty much uploading all of them to another site {usually Shutterfly}so that I at least have them backed up to another location. Also it makes it easy later on to make photo books and have CDs made. Occasionally I'll have some printed. That's it. That's all I've got. I typically take around 1,000 photos a month, sometimes more, and I feel like I'm drowning in digital files!