. . . I miss when I'm pregnant
10. Painting my toes. I can't even see my toes, let alone maneuver myself to actually be able to paint them. I'm thinkin' I need a pedicure. And while I'm at it, I cannot wait to put my shoes on all by myself again. Or at the very least, I wish that flip flops were an option. It's so rainy, wet, and muddy here, I don't think I can quite get away with them yet. And watching me attempt to try to bend over to put my shoes on? Pure comedy.
9. Deli Sandwiches. Okay, so I'm sort of getting used to it now {8 1/2 months later}, but I miss my turkey sandwiches :( Sometimes it's a struggle to find something quick *and* safe to eat at lunch time.
8. Being able to climb the stairs {or do anything, really}, without being completely out of breath.
7. Having an "inny" belly button. Enough said.
6. Decent skin. I don't have the most beautiful skin to begin with, but it suffers tremendously during pregnancy.
5. Being able to blow my nose or floss my teeth without needing a blood transfusion.
4. Getting out of bed all on my own, without the assistance of a crane.
3. Not feeling as though I'm going to pass out if I spend more than 2 1/2 minutes in the shower.
2. Being able to stand up from a sitting position without experiencing sharp, shooting pain in my legs and back.
1. Going more than 5 minutes between bathroom visits. Oh this girl is camped out right on my bladder all day and all night. It is nothing for me to get up 6 times during the night. And during the day . . . well, it's ridiculous.
Okay, now that I've gotten that out . . .
Can you keep a secret?
It may not seem like it, but I am actually going to miss being pregnant. *Someone* has made it abundantly clear that 4 is the absolute limit for us. So while I may be huge and uncomfortable and emotional {alright, a big teary, blubbery mess}, I just know how much I'm going to miss these days. Carrying a precious baby, {keeping her all to myself}, feeling those sweet kicks, and truly enjoying the miracle of life.