Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Library Trips and Dance Class Days

Whew! Dancing is hard work!

Spring is here!!! *Though I'm not sure if Mother Nature got the memo ~ after our two sunshiney days we've had rain, rain, hail, and more rain coupled with temps in the forties, yuck!* Dance classes have resumed, and we are now feeling more comfortable taking Kam out and about without the great fear of exposing her to something! I must say, it's nice for life to be resembling normalcy.

Last week, during our brief warm-weather teaser, Sierra and I hit the library and park (Kam came too, of course). While we were swingin' from the monkey bars, Makenna got to enjoy a special afternoon at Nana's house. The break from each other was much-needed. Whether it's being cooped up day after day due to months of winter weather, or if it is a natural reaction to change within our family, I'm not sure, but Sierra and Makenna have not been getting along these days. A little time apart was just what the doctor ordered!

A little bark dust in the sandal

Chatting away in the car while I fed Kam. And yes, that is McDonalds you see.

All tuckered out after a day at the park

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Kristen said...

I can't wait until Kaylee is old enough to take a dance class...of course, I'll have to hold back from joining right in. I miss dancing... :) Sweet times with your girls. And hey, everyone needs a little McDonald's every now and then! :)

Amber Filkins said...

So sweet! I agree on getting that time apart. Isn't it hard, b/c it could be either one of those, or a combination of the two. Motherhood can be such a guessing game!! Maddison had a very hard time when Saylor was born, but then again, she'd been an only child for 6 years. She adjusted after a couple months. It seems like your girls are adjusting well.

Happy Tuesday!! :)

Staci said...

What sweet pictures! Your children are BEAUTIFUL!


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