Remember when I mentioned I had a little incentive for getting my boot in shape this year?
Remember when I said that I had
Remember when I told y'all that my SUPER wonderful in-laws {I actually kinda dislike that term, because to me, they're Mom and Dad} surprised us with a trip to San Diego in February?
Whoops! Didn't I mention that? ;)
That's right!
Come February, the SIX of us are all going to board a plane, and fly to the sunshine for 5 whole days of FUN! Our first big trip as a family of 6 {or five, for that matter!}
{Our Vacation Countdown Chart}
To say I'm excited is a complete understatement. I am just beside myself! So very thankful to Mom and Dad for the opportunity. We are going to have so much fun!!!!
Linking up with Rachel @ And Then She Snapped
Linking up with Rachel @ And Then She Snapped

YEAH MOM & DAD!!!! That is a super awesome gift and I can't wait to hear all about it. San Diego is SO beautiful. Love that countdown too :) YEAH!!!!
How fun! I love your cute countdown too!
No way!!! That is awesome!!! That is going to be such a fun trip...and it'll be WARM! :o) No wonder you need to get that body in shape!
That is a super cute countdown chart!
What a fun fun gift!! What are y'all going to do??
Love that countdown calendar!!
And it will be nice, but it's certainly not bikini weather in February, so don't work too hard :)
How cool!!!
Sweet! Enjoy that wonderful blessing! Literally!!! :) excited for you!
That is awesome! I love the countdown! Woohoo for vacations!
YAY for you guys!!!! How awesome!
Vacation count down chart? You are one cute and fun mom. I was just in San Diego yesterday and it was in the 80's. You're all going to have so much fun.
Wow! How nice! I can't wait to hear and see all about it!
yay!! awesome!
we're headed on a cruise in feb, our first ever!
sounds like we'll both be having a fabulous next month!
God bless~
You are sooooo lucky that you are going to a FUN part of the state!
I'm trying to plan a trip to Fresno to see my inlaws. It's not going well.
Oh, fun! Better bring a few camera SD chips! You never know how many pictures you will take! : )
Oh, that is so darn wonderful!!! I love my In laws parents! So much for all of you to look forward to!!! Woot Woot!
San Diego is amazing! The zoo is a MUST, but it's a lot of up and down hill walking so be prepared. And of course Sea World can't be beat. Make sure to check out Old Town and Balboa Park. All of those things are close to the downtown area. And if you get a chance go see the Wild Animal Park (it's a drive, but a beautiful one).
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